Terms and Conditions

This document has been specially prepared in order to explain to you, our visitor, the terms and conditions for using Lordo Games website.
It should be noted first that you must read this document carefully to ensure that you understand our terms and conditions, which you must follow or accept when using our site.
If you have a question or inquiry or want more information about the terms and conditions of the Lordo Games website.
Do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to answer your questions and inquiries as soon as possible.

You can contact us through the Contact Us page of our website.

List of terms and conditions for the website

First, the conditions for the content that the user can add to the site

It is not allowed to write any comments on articles or pages of the site on social networking sites that have any marketing links, whether for your own site or any affiliate links.
In the event that you do so, we will consider that you have not read our terms and conditions and your comment will be deleted.
In the event that this is repeated, the site administrator has the right to delete your comment and permanently ban you from making any other comments.
It is not allowed to use any words outside the style of decency when you write any comment on the articles of the site or the pages of the site on social networking sites.
This is whether to respond to the admin author of the article or publication or to respond to one of your fellow visitors to the Lordo Games website or members of its pages on social networking sites.
And in case you do this, the same method will be followed with you in the first case.
Moreover, the site management has the right to ban you permanently without warning and for the first time, according to the extent to which you continue to violate the rules of decency.

Secondly, the site's liability limits

Lordo Games website is not responsible for any misuse of any of the information or resources contained in its content.
Lordo Games is not responsible for achieving the results that must be obtained when applying one of the strategies or methods of profit from the Internet it publishes.
The profit from marketing and e-commerce depends primarily on the ambition, motives and effort made by the user.
Lordo Games is not responsible for links to external sources, as some sites are cancelled and some services cease to exist.
Lordo Games is not responsible for changing any of this.
We provide the user with external sources and links that we think are valid at a particular time.
That may change and we are not responsible for changing it.
Lordo Games is not responsible for the stability of the prices of any of the products it proposes to its visitors.
For example, the Winners website may suggest to its visitors a specific service with a certain price necessary to implement a certain profitability plan.
Lordo Games is not responsible for changing the price of this service over time, as we have no control over that.
Lordo Games is not responsible for any material loss that the user suffers as a result of applying one of the methods of profit from the Internet suggested by the site.
The responsibility for any action taken by the user depends primarily on him, i.e. the user.
Lordo Games website considers in all its topics that it is compatible with Tunisian law and international Internet laws.
However, every human being is exposed to forgetfulness or forgetfulness.
Therefore, the site and all its members are not responsible for violating Tunisian law or one of the international laws of the Internet by one of the site’s users by relying on one of the information or profit methods published on the site.
Therefore, as a site user, you must immediately contact the site in case you find any content violating the laws.

Third, the intellectual property rights of the Lordo Games website

It is not allowed to use the logo, the name of the site, or any of its content, whether images or text articles, without the written permission of the site owner.
All website content is owned by the website owner only. It is not allowed to copy or print any part of the content of the site for the purpose of re-publishing or distribution.
This is either after making changes or without changing unless this is done with the written permission of the site owner.
It is not allowed to use any part of the site's content as a publication without a link to the site on one of the social media.
The only way to do this is for the user to write a short introduction about one of the topics, with the link to the topic of the site pasted at the end of the introduction.
Lordo Games has the right to add, delete or change any part of the site's content as it sees fit with everything new in the world of marketing on the Internet.
Lordo Games has the right at any time to change, add or delete any of the terms and conditions contained in this document.
All new work is done 30 days after the addition, deletion or change.
After this period, the changes in the terms and conditions document are effective and must be implemented.
Therefore, our honourable visitor should review this document from time to time to be aware of any change in the terms and conditions for your use of our site.
Thank you for your respect for the terms and conditions of the Lordo Games website when you use it.